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Old Fashioned Strawberry Jelly without Pectin

Writer's picture: contactmyappalachicontactmyappalachi

Updated: Jun 13, 2023

Quick and easy Old fashioned Strawberry jelly without pectin. Learn how it was made before pectin was on the market! Using fresh strawberries this is bound to be a big hit at breakfast time!

Old Fashioned Strawberry Jelly without Pectin

Old Fashioned Strawberry Jelly without Pectin

Strawberry Jelly is so good, especially when it is Made from fresh strawberries straight from the vine. Have you ever wondered how they use to make Jellies before we had pectin ?

Well, you really only need pectin if you are making jellies with juices, like grape juice. If you have fresh fruit all you need is sugar. Lets dive into the simple way to make jellies with fresh fruit !!

Strawberry Jelly no Pectin
Strawberry Jam

Beautiful Old Fashion Strawberry Jelly


Old Fashioned Strawberry Jelly without Pectin

List of Ingredients

  • 4 cups of crushed strawberries

  • 4 cups of white sugar

List of supplies

4 sterilized pint jars

4 rings

4 lids

Step 1: Let’s Get Started

Wash and clean you 4 pint jars and place them in the oven at 190* so they will be warming up

Step 2: Preparing the Berries

1. Wash your strawberries

2. Cap your berries, be careful not to waste any berries

3. Crush up your berries, this depends how chunky you want your jelly to be. I like for mine to have a few medium sized pieces in our jelly, but if you want yours completely smooth, then blend till chunks are gone.

Wash and Cap your berries
Fresh Picked Strawberries

Step three: Making the Jelly

1. Pour crushed berries in your pot on the stove at medium heat.

2. Add your sugar and start stirring

You will need to keep a consistent stir going to keep the jelly from sticking to the bottom of the pot and to evenly melt the sugar.

Stir Stir Stir
Mixing berries and sugar

3. Let the mixture simmer and cook down for 30-45 minutes until the jelly is made. There are two ways to test this. The spoon test, or temperature test.

The spoon test the jelly should be slowly dripping off the spoon 12 inches above the pot

Remember the jelly will thicken as it cools
Spoon Test

** While your jelly is thickening and cooking down go ahead and start your pot of water with your lids and rings in it.

Strawberry jelly
Boiling down the mixture to thicken it

Step Four: Filling your Jars

  1. Get your hot jars out of the oven and pour the thicken jelly into he jars leaving a 1/4 inch headspace.

  2. Wipe the rims of your jars with a wet rag or white vinegar

  3. Place your hot lids and rings on your jar. Only hand tight

nice and clean for a good seal
Warming up Lids and rings

Step Five: Processing your jars:

1. Process your pints in a water bath see chart below for time:

water Bath
Water Bathing the Jelly for good seal

jar size


1,001-6,000 ft

Above 6,000 ft

Half pints/ Pints

5 Min

10 Min

15 min

Once they are done, get them out to cool and listen for the sound of the pop once they are sealed

Any that did not seal place in the Fridge and eat it first. Sealed jars should hold for up to 5 years.

Ready to Eat

Ways to enjoy your jelly:

On a biscuit

On toast

On top of angel food cake

On top of ice cream

Inside homemade ice cream

The options are endless


Old fashioned Strawberry Jelly

There you have it easy, simple, homemade strawberry jelly without pectin

Here are a few things I like to use when canning:

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Water Bath Pot with rack

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