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Cooking Fresh Greens, Turnip greens, mustard greens, Kale, collards.

Updated: May 31, 2023

Do you like to grow a salad patch?

Kale, collards
Fresh Greens

Turnip greens, mustard greens, kale, collards?

We sure do and we love having fresh greens to eat !! Come on and I'll teach you how to make them the Appalachian way!!

Cooking Fresh Greens, Turnip greens, mustard greens, Kale, collards.


Big Basket of fresh picked greens

One medium onion

1 tsp garlic powder

1 tsp salt

1/2 tsp of red pepper

Pork Lard/ cooking oil

First we are going to picked a big ole basket of fresh greens. Be sure to pick a bunch because the greens will really cook down.

Picking Kale for supper
Picking Fresh Greens

Once you get your greens pick bring them on in and get them washed up in some cool water. You want to keep rinsing them until your water is clear.

Wash greens till the water is clear.
Washing Fresh Kale

Then your going to cut out the stems and big veins ( these can taste bitter) or just pull the leaves off the stem.

Cut the stems off your greens
Freshly pulled greens ready for the pot

Dice up your onion.

Dicing an Onion
Diced Onion

Put your pot on the stove and add your oil/ lard, diced onion and all your seasoning. I like to use Pork Lard it gives the greens that great pork flavor. If you have any bacon grease on hand it would be great to use as well. you can add or take away from any of the seasoning depending on your taste and what your family will eat. I also switch up the "hot pepper" sometimes I use red pepper flakes, cayenne pepper, southwest seasoning, just whatever I have on hand.

You can also use fresh garlic instead of garlic powder if you have some on hand.

You want to cook down the onion until it's almost translucent. Remember to keep stirring to prevent your onions from sticking to the pot.

cooking down diced onions
Simmering Onions

Add your greens to the pot and go ahead and stir up the all the ingredients. Put the lid on and turn the heat down to medium. Let it cook down and stir about every 10 min until the greens are withered and cooked all the way down

Cooking Greens for supper.
Adding Fresh greens

They should be ready in about 30 minutes

They make a great side dish with any meal and add lots of color to your plate. Greens are great in nutrition offering lots of vitamins and minerals to your diet.

yum fresh greens
After the greens have cooked down

Southern supper nights
Served up with BBQ chicken and Potato cakes

YUM!! your ready to eat! I hope your family enjoys this side dish as much as mine !

Here are some links to my favorite things to use in the kitchen

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Prepping bowls

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